Restrict Form Posts using Google reCAPTCHA

This page uses a Hashtag Action-Only Form to Restrict Posts using Google reCAPTCHA.   Values for google_recaptcha_site_key and google_recaptcha_secret_key were set in the Hashtag Framework Configuration file: hashtag.conf.   API keys can be obtained from the Google reCAPTCHA Admin Console.  

Processed this Hashtag Markup:
<# start form;
	restrict posts using google recaptcha;
	when done redirect to "/forms/restrict-post-recaptcha-landing?success=yes";

	<# google recaptcha #>
	<input type="submit" <# submit button #> value="Submit">

<# end form #>

The Hashtag Markup Language provides Forms to validate and store submitted data.  

The examples in this section demonstrate Post Restriction, Input Validations, and Form Actions.