List of Categorized Items

This page uses a Hashtag List to show all Categorized Items matching any search filters.   The filter form and list table are both styled using Bootstrap 3 default theme classes.  
ID Created On Name Categories
06002fa27a093720b60dc4a51e925f34 2024-04-02 apple fruits things
96c5106f91a93f0c496725b9c361c43a 2024-04-02 banana fruits things
71ff8dc961a20c4a099a46e54aaff3bc 2024-04-02 cat animals things
90f9d6f44b359ba5af3461bff27968a9 2024-04-02 dog animals things

Processed this Hashtag Markup:
<# start list for items;
	relate id to item_categorizations.item_id;
	relate item_categorizations.category_id to;
	include when in "<#[url.filter]#>" if set;
	sort by,;

<# start header #>
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
		<th>Created On</th>
<# end header #>

<# start row #>
		<td title="<# id #>"><span class="truncated monospace"><# id #></span></td>
		<td><# created_on as date "Y-M-D" #></td>
		<td><# name as html #></td>
		<td><# start row loop for; #>
			<span class="label label-success"><# as html #></span>
			<# end loop #>
<# end row #>

<# start footer #>
<# end footer #>

<# no results #>
<h4 class="alert alert-warning text-center">No Items Found</h4>
<# end no results #>

<# end list #>

The Categories Mini-App uses the Hashtag Markup Language to demonstrate a method of categorizing items.

Categories, Items, and Item Categorization records are all stored in an SQL Database.  

Search filters are demonstrated to only List Items that have been Categorized to match any value from a comma separated list.