Nested Conditional Templates

This page uses Hashtag Conditional Templates nested in other Conditional Templates.  
Processing this Hashtag Markup:
<# if "<#[url.test]#>"=="on" AND ("test"=="not test" OR "test"=="test") #>
	<# set session.conditional_result to "test was on"; #>
<# else if "test"!="test" #>
	<# set session.conditional_result to "this could never happen"; #>
<# else #>
	<# set session.conditional_result to "test was not on"; #>
	<## if "inner test"=="inner test" #>
		<# set session.inner_result to "'inner test' matched itself"; #>
	<## else #>
		<# set session.inner_result to "this could never happen"; #>
	<## end if #>
<# end if #>

Note:  Hashtag Markup is shown below <# in bold #>.   The value generated by processing the Hashtag Markup, and applying any Variable Contexts, is injected into this HTML page after the ⇒ symbol.  
<#[url.test as html]#> ⇒ 
<#[session.conditional_result]#> ⇒ test was not on
<#[session.inner_result]#> ⇒ 'inner test' matched itself

The Hashtag Markup Language provides multiple ways to conditionally display content or execute commands.

Conditional Templates and { Blocks } are demonstrated to compare and contrast.