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Send Gmail BodyPage — Process File as Hashtag Markup

This page uses a Hashtag Send Gmail command to deliver a message.   The Hashtag Framework uses Google OAuth Tokens for delivering messages through Gmail.   The type variable is set to process the message body as html.   The bodypage variable is set to a Hashtag Page URL, to be processed as the message body.  
Disarmed this Hashtag Markup:
<# send gmail;
	to = "";
	subject = "New Test HTML Email from <#[system.domain]#>";
	type = "html"; // text or html
	bodypage = "/email/bodypage?id=<#[]#>";

Hashtag Markup for Gmail BodyPage: /email/bodypage.htmx
This is an email from the Hashtag Framework BAT on <#[system.domain]#>.<br>
This is more text.<br>
Sent By: <#[system.user_ip_address]#><br>
Okay, bye.

The Hashtag Markup Language provides many methods for handling and delivering Email.

3rd party services, such as Gmail, are supported by the Hashtag Framework.   The PHP Email configuration is used to deliver native Email.