List for Google Sheet with Date Filter

This page uses a Hashtag List for a Google Sheet, using an Include directive that compares a row value as a Date.  
Start Date:

No Rows Found

Processed this Hashtag Markup:
<form method="get" action="?">
	Start Date: <input type="date" name="start_date" value="<#[url.start_date as html]#>">
	<input type="submit" value="Apply Filter">

<# start list for google sheet "Test Spreadsheet"; 
	include when time as date >= "<#[url.start_date]#>" if set;
	show 7 rows per page;

<# start header #>
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
		<th>Customer Name</th>
<# end header #>

<# start row #>
		<td><# Customer Name as html #></td>
		<td><# Total as html #></td>
		<td><# Payment Method as html #></td>
		<td><# Rush as html #></td>
		<td><a href="form?edit=<# row id as html #>" class="label label-primary">Edit</a>
			<a href="unset-rush?id=<# row id as html #>" class="label label-primary">Unset Rush</a>
			<a href="apply?id=<# row id as html #>" class="label label-primary">Apply</a>
			<a href="delete?id=<# row id as html #>" class="label label-primary"
				onclick="return(confirm('Delete Row?'))">Delete</a>
<# end row #>

<# start footer #>
<# end footer #>

<# no results #>
<h4 class="alert alert-warning text-center">No Rows in Google Sheet</h4>
<# end no results #>

<# end list #>

The Hashtag Markup Language provides many methods to interact with Google Sheets.

Hashtag Forms and Lists can use Google Sheets for storing data.   Each row in the Google Sheet is treated as a record.