Set Local Variable to Random Value in Row Template

This page demonstrates setting and injecting Hashtag Variables using random values.  
Processing this Hashtag Markup:
<# start list for colors;
	limit 5;
<# start row #>
	<# set <# random #> to random; #>
	Color is <# name #>... Random Color is <# random #><br>
<# end row #>
<# end list #>
Color is Pink... Random Color is MediumPurple
Color is LightPink... Random Color is NavajoWhite
Color is HotPink... Random Color is MediumAquamarine
Color is DeepPink... Random Color is LightSlateGray
Color is PaleVioletRed... Random Color is Gold

The Hashtag Markup Language provides List Templates to process a series of Records.  

The examples in this section cover the various List Directives, and demonstrate the capabilities of Hashtag Markup in List Templates.