<?php // display system time echo "<p>The system time is <b>" . hashtag_get_value('system.time') . "</b></p>"; // query for requested order information if(isset($_REQUEST['order_id']) && trim($_REQUEST['order_id'])!='') { $query = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE uuid=:uuid"; $params = array(':uuid'=>$_REQUEST['order_id']); $result = hashtag_db_query_params($query, $params); if($row = hashtag_db_fetch($result)) { hashtag_html_dump($row, 'Order'); } else { echo "Invalid Order ID."; } } else { // query for the ID of the most recently created order $query = "SELECT uuid FROM orders ORDER BY created_on DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = hashtag_db_query($query); if($row = hashtag_db_fetch($result)) { echo "<a href='?order_id={$row['uuid']}#php'>Reload with latest Order ID set in the URL</a>"; } } ?>
The system time is 10:12:44 PM UTC