Rounding Variable Values

This page uses Hashtag Round commands to alter Variable values.   Different Variable types and Hashtag Markup styles are demonstrated below.  
Processing this Hashtag Markup:

set cache.value to 99.988888;
round cache.value to 2 decimals;


<# set my_var to 99.988888; round my_var to 2 decimals; #>

<# set myBucket.myVar to 99.988888; #>
<# round myBucket.myVar to 2 decimals; #>
Note:  Hashtag Markup is shown below <# in bold #>.   The value generated by processing the Hashtag Markup, and applying any Variable Contexts, is injected into this HTML page after the ⇒ symbol.  
<#[cache.value]#> ⇒ 99.99
<#[my_var]#> ⇒ 99.99
<#[myBucket.myVar]#> ⇒ 99.99

The Hashtag Markup Language provides many methods for setting variable values, and using them later.

Variable Buckets can hold many values, processed together.   Variable Contexts enable safe injection anywhere.