Hashtag Markup Comments

This page demonstrates Hashtag Markup Comments, both single-line, and multi-line.  
Processing this Hashtag Markup:

// this is a single line comment

// print "this should not be printed";



this is a
multiple line

print "this should also not be printed";


<#: this is a single line comment, using colon hashtags :#>

 	when commenting out a single line command using "//", 
 	move the ending hashtag to the next line so it isn't commented out 

<# //print "i want to comment this out, but maybe use it later";

<#: print "i want to comment this out, but maybe use it later"; :#>

This should be the only printed text.

This should be the only printed text.
Note:  Commenting out a single line that contains the closing #> will result in commenting out the closing tag.   The Hashtag Framework will continue looking for valid Hashtag Markup commands on the next line which will likely result in errors on the page.   Similarly, any multi-line comments that contain the closing :#> inside of them, will stop the comment at that point and continue parsing for Hashtag Markup after.  

The Basics section provides an introduction to development with the Hashtag Markup Language using the Hashtag Framework.