Call Geo-Location API

This page uses a Hashtag Call to send the current session IP address to a Geo-Location API.   A Hashtag Print Bucket command is used to inspect the values from the JSON-decoded response.  
Note:  The Geo-Location API is provided by a 3rd party, and is not affiliated with the Hashtag Foundation.  
Processing this Hashtag Markup:

call "<#[system.remote_addr]#>" to response;
print bucket response;

response: Array
    [status] => success
    [country] => United States
    [countryCode] => US
    [region] => OH
    [regionName] => Ohio
    [city] => Dublin
    [zip] => 43017
    [lat] => 40.0992
    [lon] => -83.1141
    [timezone] => America/New_York
    [isp] =>, Inc.
    [org] => AWS EC2 (us-east-2)
    [as] => AS16509, Inc.
    [query] =>

Note:  Hashtag Markup is shown below <# in bold #>.   The value generated by processing the Hashtag Markup, and applying any Variable Contexts, is injected into this HTML page after the ⇒ symbol.  
<#[response.query as html]#> ⇒
<#[response.status as html]#> ⇒ success
<#[response.timezone as html]#> ⇒ America/New_York

The Hashtag Markup Language provides methods to Call external APIs, and process any response.

The response text is saved to the named Hashtag Variable.   If the response is JSON encoded, it will be decoded into Hashtag Buckets.  

Optional parameters can be sent with the call.   The values in the named Hashtag Bucket will be sent with the request as HTTP POST variables.