Upload to Google Drive has been restricted to Admins Only

The restricted page has been disarmed, and is shown below.   Sign In to process the restricted page.

Form with File Upload to Google Drive

This page uses a Hashtag Form with an input File Upload to Google Drive.   Google Drive meta-data is automatically added to the File Record created by the Form;  this includes file size, file type, image dimensions, and a URL to download the file directly from Google Drive.  
New File Upload:

Disarmed this Hashtag Markup:
<# set folder_id to public google drive folder id by name "Hashtag-BAT File Uploads"; #>

<# start form for files <#[url.edit]#>;
	set form.class to "form-horizontal";
	when deleting call confirm('Delete File Record?');
	when done redirect to "/google-drive/files?index=<# form.id #>";

New File Upload: 
<input type="file" <# upload to google drive "/<#[folder_id]#>" for file #>><br>

<# if "<#[url.edit]#>"!="" #>
	File Name: <input type="text" <# file #>><br>
<# end if #>

<input type="button" <# Create button #> value="Upload">
<input type="button" <# Update button #>>
<input type="button" <# Delete button #>>

<# end form #>

The Hashtag Markup Language provides many methods to interact with items stored on Google Drive.

Examples in this section include Forms to upload Files to Google Drive, and Lists for Google Drive Folders.