The requested page has been restricted to Members Only.

Processed this Hashtag Markup on the Restricted Page: /sessions/restrict-access
<# restrict access to members using /sessions/grant-access; #>
Note:  The request was redirected here because the current Session has not been granted Members access.

Grant Access to Members Only Pages

This page automatically Grants Members Only Access to the current Session.   This is for demonstration purposes only.   A password or authentication process would generally precede any grant of new access.   See the Members Mini-App for production-ready group based access restriction examples.  
Processing this Hashtag Markup:
<# grant access to members; #>

<h4 class="alert alert-success text-center">
	You have now been granted access to Members Only pages.

You have now been granted access to Members Only pages.

The Sessions section provides an introduction to Access Restriction with the Hashtag Markup Language.