Applying Numeric Contexts

This page demonstrates Numeric Hashtag Contexts for Variable values.  
Processing this Hashtag Markup:
<# set number to 1234567.88888888; #>
<# set negative to -1234567.88888888; #>
<# set string to "$ 1,234,567.88888888"; #>	
Note:  Hashtag Markup is shown below <# in bold #>.   The value generated by processing the Hashtag Markup, and applying any Variable Contexts, is injected into this HTML page after the ⇒ symbol.  
<#[number]#> ⇒ 1234567.8888889
<#[number as int]#> ⇒ 1234567
<#[number as kint]#> ⇒ 1,234,567
<#[number as currency]#> ⇒ 1,234,567.89
<#[negative]#> ⇒ -1234567.8888889
<#[negative as abs]#> ⇒ 1234567.8888889
<#[string]#> ⇒ $ 1,234,567.88888888
<#[string as number]#> ⇒ 1234567.88888888

Note:  The Hashtag Framework uses PHP to handle floating point numbers.   Floating point numbers have limited precision, as explained in the PHP documentation for Floating point numbers.  

The Hashtag Markup Language provides Contexts for reformatting Variable values.  

The examples in this section cover the many Contexts the Hashtag Framework supports to alter Variable values.