<#[system.date_time_short]#> ⇒ | 2025-02-21 18:17:16 |
<#[system.date_time_short as timezone]#> ⇒ | 2025-02-21 13:17:16 |
<#[system.date_time_short as tz "America/Los_Angeles"]#> ⇒ | 2025-02-21 10:17:16 |
<#[session.timezone]#> ⇒ | America/Indiana/Vevay |
<#[session.tz]#> ⇒ | America/Indiana/Vevay |
<h4 class="alert alert-success text-center"> Local Time: <#[system.date_time as timezone as date "h:mm A"]#> </h4>
Note: When a bare "timezone" or "tz" context is used, any "timezone" or "tz" value in the current session is applied to adjust the Date Time value.
If the current session does not include either a "timezone" or "tz" value, but a latitude, longitude, and country code values are available (such as in Google App Engine requests), a best guess timezone is calculated and set for the current session. The best guess calculation for timezone isn't always right, such as for cities that opt out of daylight savings time, cities with multiple timezones, overhanging borders, as well as users who route their internet traffic over a VPN in a different timezone, so it's best to allow the user to select their own timezone.